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Average score 840 Reviews
Boubacar Bagayoko noted on Google

J’ai adoré le repas quand l’en as plus l’en as encore les toilettes sont propres les dessert monstrueux on a beaucoup de choix est 3 boissons avec l’accueil super souriant est aimable le prix est pas très cher (Translated by Google) I loved the meal when you're done you still have some the toilets are clean the desserts are monstrous we have a lot of choice and 3 drinks with the super smiling and friendly welcome the price is not very expensive

3 days ago
Angelo Dos Santos noted on Google

Super restaurant il y a un choix vaste et varié la viande est bonne vous avait le droit à trois boisson compris dans votre menu du jamais vu et le personnel est au top toujour à l'affût poir remplir les plat vide . Changer rien vous été l'un des meilleur buffet à volonté ou j'ai pu manger . (Translated by Google) Great restaurant there is a vast and varied choice the meat is good you have the right to three drinks included in your menu never seen before and the staff is at the top always on the lookout to fill the empty dishes. Change nothing, you have been one of the best all-you-can-eat buffets I have ever eaten.

7 days ago
Christine noted on Google

On y mange bien! (Translated by Google) We eat well there!

14 days ago
Gabin Paris noted on Google

Incroyable ! (Translated by Google) Amazing !

25 days ago
Michael Ewbank noted on Google

Très bon et pas cher , en plus 3 boissons comprises sincèrement à recommander (Translated by Google) Very good and inexpensive, plus 3 drinks included, sincerely recommended

29 days ago
Eric Josset noted on Google

1 month ago
aya aya noted on Google

1 month ago
margo khouchane noted on Google

1 month ago
Aristote ROULLOT noted on Google

1 month ago
Malcom Legouge noted on Google

(Translated by Google) All-you-can-eat buffet with the right to have 3 drinks maximum otherwise an extra charge of €2 but that is more than enough in my opinion. The buffet is very large and very varied. The meat to be cooked in the wok is very good and of high quality and the requested cooking is respected. On the other hand, as in all all-you-can-eat buffets there is a little noise but that doesn't bother me. for a total of 27€ per person this is a reasonable price. I recommend! (Original) Buffet à volonté avec le droit de prendre 3 boissons maximum sinon supplément de 2€ mais cela suffit amplement je trouve. Le buffet est très grand et est très varié. La viande à faire cuire au wok est très bonne et de qualité et la cuisson demandée est respectée. Par contre, comme dans tous les buffets à volonté il y a un peu de bruits mais cela ne me dérange pas. pour un total de 27€ par personne cela est un prix convenable. Je recommande !

2 months ago

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10 Rue Jacques Brel
02200 Soissons, France

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